Tag Archives: drama

Film & Wine pairings- elderberries & Revolution – unexpected deliciousness for the 4th of July

25 Jun


Defenestration & Monsieur Lazhar

16 Jan

Monsieur Lazhar: (major spoiler alert!!!) I can’t help but be moved every time I listen to little Victor matter-of-factly tell his classmates that his grandfather threw himself out of the window after being tortured in Chile. The acceptance & casual sharing of such a tragic & profound event belies the fact that he has thought it about in a way that is textured by his parents’ point-of-view. In contrast, Bashir’s reassurance of Simon’s innocence in his teacher Martine’s suicide parallels Bashir’s own need for reassurance regarding his culpability in his own wife’s death. Such a gentle, lovely way to look at how our actions always affect those around us and how we should never shy away from leaping in where solace is needed.